Bug #85
openGroup Mask
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when creating a Group via groupmask it is not Possible to determin the blendmode so its allways takes the blendmode determined by the logiclayer its foundet on. and ther for pass through is not available.
Updated by Dariusz Makowski over 1 year ago
Can you show node config screenshot or something similar, a little lost here.
Updated by Thomas Neumeier over 1 year ago
- File a.jpg a.jpg added
- File Screenshot 2023-09-28 150459.jpg Screenshot 2023-09-28 150459.jpg added
Sure, here we go.
Updated by Dariusz Makowski over 1 year ago
I see, hmmm recently Group per image got extended with more options to allow for control of group visibility, we can use that setting to control mask groups or can add another group entry details in the mask section... which one ?